Winnipeg Chiropractor Near You

Who Should See a Chiropractor?


Tired of the pain


Healthy kids make healthy adults. The adjustments are tailored to the child’s growing spine specifically designed to meet the needs of newborns, babies and children. They are gentle and there is “no cracking”. Every step along the way will be explained to you and your child, so they can learn how to take care of their health in our family friendly environment. It is a lot easier to catch little problems before they become bigger problems. We recognize that children truly are our future.

Is pain preventing you from living the life you want? Chiropractic care is natural, safe and effective care for pain related to nerve, bone and muscle. Do you have headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, upper and lower back pain, knee pain, numbness and tingling in arms or leg? Looking to get a massage near you? We can help. We can help.

With all the changes happening during pregnancy, it is important to take care of your health. Whether you are looking to address pain or looking to prepare your body for labour, delivery and postpartum, chiropractic care near you can help. Moms under chiropractic care have less back pain and shorter delivery times, less medical intervention, and faster recovery. We have special approaches that are safe and comfortable for the mom and her baby, such as prenatal massage in Winnipeg. Healthy moms = healthy babies.

Work/Car accident

Looking for a natural approach

Want to be your best

If you are suffering from injuries from a car accident or workplace accident near you, we work directly with Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) to help you overcome your injuries and get you back to living a healthy pain-free life.

Chiropractic care in Winnipeg has long been a leader in a drug-free and natural solution to getting and staying healthy. By focusing on the alignment of the spine as it relates to the nervous system and teaching patients how to take care of their health naturally, the body can heal and people get healthy.

Why wait until you’re sick and in pain to start taking care of yourself? Chiropractic, along with regular massages in Winnipeg, is a great way to be proactive in taking care of your health so you can stay healthy for a lifetime.

What to expect from a Winnipeg Chiropractor



You can expect warm smiles and genuine compassion from our caring team. We go out of our way to make you feel comfortable and care for you like family. We will listen attentively and take the time to learn about your health problems and goals – you will be heard. We respect your time and meet you where you are at.



We take your health seriously. Our goal is to get you healthy as quickly as possible and to teach you what you can do for yourself to stay healthy. Our doctors will take the time to make sure you have a clear understanding of what is wrong, what we can do to help you, what you will need to do to get healthy, how long it will take and how much it will cost. We will explain everything in terms you can understand.



Your health and wellbeing is our top priority. Our team will work hard and always give you our best so you can reach your health goals.


Healthy kids make healthy adults. The adjustments are tailored to the child’s growing spine specifically designed to meet the needs of newborns, babies and children. They are gentle and there is “no cracking”. Every step along the way will be explained to you and your child, so they can learn how to take care of their health in our family friendly environment. It is a lot easier to catch little problems before they become bigger problems. We recognize that children truly are our future.

Tired of the pain

Is pain preventing you from living the life you want? Chiropractic care is natural, safe and effective care for pain related to nerve, bone and muscle. Do you have headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, upper and lower back pain, knee pain, numbness and tingling in arms or leg? Looking to get a massage near you? We can help.


With all the changes happening during the pregnancy, it is important to take care of your health. Whether you are looking to address pain or looking to prepare your body for labour, delivery and postpartum, chiropractic care can help you. Moms under chiropractic care have less back pain and shorter delivery times, less medical intervention and faster recovery. We have special approaches that are safe and comfortable for the mom and her baby. Healthy moms = healthy baby.

Work/Car accident

If you are suffering with injuries from a car or workplace accident, we work directly with Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) to help you overcome your injuries and get you back to living a healthy pain free life.

Looking for a natural approach

Chiropractic has long been a leader in a drug free and natural solution to getting and staying healthy. By focusing on the alignment of the spine as it relates to the nervous system and teaching patients how to take care of their health naturally, the body can heal and people get healthy.

Want to be your best

Why wait until you’re sick and in pain to start taking care of yourself? Chiropractic, along with regular massages in Winnipeg, is a great way to be proactive in taking care of your health so you can stay healthy for a lifetime.

What to expect



You can expect warm smiles and genuine compassion from our caring team. We go out of our way to make you feel comfortable and care for you like family. We will listen attentively and take the time to learn about your health problems and goals – you will be heard. We respect your time and meet you where you are at.



We take your health seriously. Our goal is to get you healthy as quickly as possible and to teach you what you can do for yourself to stay healthy. Our doctors will take the time to make sure you have a clear understanding of what is wrong, what we can do to help you, what you will need to do to get healthy, how long it will take and how much it will cost. We will explain everything in terms you can understand.



Your health and wellbeing is our top priority. Our team will work hard and always give you our best so you can reach your health goals.


You will be met with welcoming smiles and genuine compassion from our caring team in Winnipeg. You will be taken on a tour where you will meet everybody and learn about how the clinic works and where everything is. It’s important to us that you feel comfortable and feel at home.

Once in a room, you will meet with a Winnipeg chiropractor one one-on-one. We will listen attentively to your concerns and take the time to learn about your health problems and goals – you will be heard. We want you to ask questions and share as much as you can. Even if it is not a big problem, it is important that you tell the doctor. Everything is connected, and most big issues start as something minor. The more the chiropractor knows about your health, the better we can help.

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The chiropractor will take the time to explain what we do and how we can help you. At this time, the Winnipeg chiropractor will discuss the cost with you. If you decide to move forward, we will start with an exam that focuses on finding the root cause of your health problem. During the exam, we will look at your posture, and flexibility, use a computer to see how well your nerves are working, and take digital X-rays (if necessary). The exam will show us where there is pressure on your nerves that might be causing your pain or health problems.

After your appointment, the Winnipeg chiropractor near you will take the time to review your exam findings and figure out the best course of action to help get you healthy. This will be based on our findings and your health goals.

On your second visit

The chiropractor will go over a thorough explanation of what they found on the exam, explain what needs to be done, how long it will take, how much it will cost, and what you can begin to do for yourself to get healthy. We will answer any extra questions you may have.

Once you have a good understanding of what it will take to get healthy, we will begin taking care of you. You will learn wobble board warm-up exercises that you will do before every adjustment you receive at our Winnipeg chiropractic clinic. Most people choose to receive the 10-minute massage option before they get adjusted. After this, the Winnipeg chiropractor will explain what to expect from an adjustment. You then get your first adjustment – it will be awesome!

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Your Team

A dedicated and caring small army of 3 Winnipeg chiropractors, 10 massage therapists, an acupuncturist, athletic therapist, and a medical doctor with an amazing support staff all working together for you.

About us

Our Vision.We take your health seriously.Ourselves not too much.

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Our caring team will meet you with welcoming smiles and genuine compassion. You will be taken on a tour where you will meet everybody and learn about how the clinic works and where everything is. It’s important to us that you feel comfortable and feel at home.


Once in a room, you will meet with a doctor one-on-one. We will listen attentively to your concerns and take the time to learn about your health problems and goals – you will be heard. We want you to ask questions and share as much as you can. Even if it is not a big problem, it is important that you tell the doctor. Everything is connected, and most big problems start off as something small. The more the doctor knows about your health, the better we can help.

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The doctor will take the time to explain what we do and how we can help you. At this time, the doctor will discuss the cost with you. If you decide to move forward, we will start with an exam focusing on finding your health problem’s root cause. During the exam, we will look at your posture flexibility, use a computer to see how well your nerves work, and take digital X-rays (if necessary). The exam will show us where pressure on your nerves might be causing your pain or health problems.


After your appointment, the doctor will take the time to review your exam findings and figure out the best course of action to help get you healthy. This will be based on our findings and your health goals.

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On your second visit

The doctor will go over a thorough explanation of what they found on the exam, explain what needs to be done, how long it will take, how much it will cost and what you can begin to do for yourself to get healthy. We will answer any extra questions you may have.


Once you understand what it will take to get healthy, we will begin taking care of you. You will learn to wobble board warm-up exercises that you will do every visit. Most people choose to receive the 10-minute massage option before they get adjusted. After which, the doctor will explain what to expect from an adjustment. You then get your first adjustment – it will be awesome!

Your Team

A dedicated and caring small army of 3 chiropractors, 6 massage therapists, and a medical doctor with an amazing support staff all working together for you.

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About us

Our Vision. We take your health seriously. Ourselves not too much.

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 In our office chiropractors,
massage therapists and
medical doctors work together
to help you get healthy.
Our differences is our strength

 We are passionate about educating
our community on what they can do
for themselves to be healthy.

Health is the foundation for
everything good in our lives.
With health people can enjoy life
and fulfill their potential.
Life is better when
everybody is healthy.